Florence’s Treasure Trove — The Uffizi Gallery

Aakash Sheoran
2 min readOct 11, 2019


One of the largest art museums in the world, Uffizi Gallery is located at the art capital of Europe-Florence. This top-rated world-class museum preserves the collection of priceless renaissance artworks by famous Italian architects.

About two million flocks from all over the world visited the Uffizi gallery every year and makes it the most visited museum. Although it is titled as the first modern art museum, it depicts the ancient history of Florence and Italy dating back in the 16th century.

A Brief History:

1. Uffizi Gallery is one of the top 5 tourist attraction sites in Florence.

2. It was Built by the famous architect Giorgio Basari in 1559. It was built originally for the purpose of the accommodation of the Magistrate of Florence.

3. In 1581, the museum was made on the top floor of the building for the family of tenants and their guests who want to see the variant Roman sculpture.

4. Geographic maps and mathematics rooms were built in the building in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.

5. Today, the museum is expanded that it has collections of artworks from famous Italian architects — Botticelli, Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and Raffaello.

Uffizi Gallery Tickets:

Both Online and offline tickets are available for visiting Uffizi Gallery. Now, one can ask. Which ticket should we prefer to buy for the entrance? The answer is you can buy any ticket as per your convenience. But I would like to advise you to go with the online Tickets. The reason is that we all know that the Uffizi gallery is much-crowded place and the ticket lines outside the counters are very long. Sometimes half of the time of visitors passed in collecting tickets from the window. To avoid this and save your time book advance online tickets. Online tickets are available two months advance.

Must see Uffizi Gallery Paintings:

1.” Laocoon and his Sons” by Baccio Bandinelli

2.Annunciation” by Leonardo Da Vinci

3.Venus of Urbino” by Titian

4.Birth of Venus” by Botticelli

5.”Coronation of the Virgin” by Fra Angelico

Rules and Regulations at Uffizi Gallery

1. It is forbidden to touch any artwork in the museum.

2. It is forbidden to lean on the statues and on the wall.

3. Alcohol and smoking are not allowed on the campus.

4. Inside the museum, flashlight photography, selfie sticks, taking videos, light stands are strictly prohibited.

5. Any kind of waste materials like chewing gum, waste papers, disposals, plastic bottles must be disposed of in the premises only in the waste paper bin the

Book Uffizi Gallery tickets now, and pack your bag to visit the first modern art museum in the world.

